
Dr. Kareem Akleh


15 Март 2024год.

Място на провеждане

ул.Деян Белишки 62
офиса на фирма Консидент


Край: 16:00

Курсът ще се провежда на английски език

За курса

Join our full day extensive course to learn about the new exciting developments in the Damon System. The new Damon Ultima System is a full expression orthodontic system designed to solve many issues of the previous Damon Q system achieving a 3D control for faster and more precise finishing. Reengineering of the whole system with a new bracket design and the new combo wires eliminated the play and resulted in a full control of torque rotations and angulations. These new changes have changed our approach of treatment planning and modified our treatment protocol.

Why Damon Ultima. Changes and improvements in the Damon System to overcome the weaknesses of the Q bracket edition

Features of the Damon Ultima bracket.

Moving from torque in the base to torque in the slot and the philosophy behind it

The Ultima combo wire, the game changing and the 3D control.

Expression of the 1st ,2nd and 3rd order movements during the treatment phases.

Wire sequence and the gradual control of torque, rotation and angulation.

Bonding procedure of the Ultima bracket, what has changed.

Clinical cases and discussions

9:00 Начало

10:30-11:00 Кафе пауза

11:00-12:30 Практическа част

12:30-13:30 Обяд

13:30 - 15:00 Практическа част

Единственото, което трябва да носите е доброто Ви настроение! :)

Фирма Е.М.23-Консидент предоставя на всички участници:

-типодонти (горна челюст)

-Горна челюст брекети "Damon ULTIMA"с 6-ци и 7-ци за всички типодонти.

-Необходимите дъги,куки, ластици, силиконови вериги и всички нужни ортодонтски консумативи.

-Комплект ортодонтски инструменти: инструмент за отваряне/затваряне на брекети, позиционер за канюли, вайнгард клеща, пинсета за брекети, дистален секач, лигатурен секач, клеща за сваляне, москито, ортодонтски скалер /комбиниран с инструмент за пръстени/

Цената на практическия ортодонтски курс на типодонт “Damon ULTIMA” е 1200лв. с ДДС.

Dr. Kareem Akleh is a certified orthodontist.

He graduated in 1999 from Tel Aviv University where he competed his postgraduate study in orthodontics at the orthodontic department, school of dental medicine, Tel Aviv Israel. Since his graduation he has been practicing in both his private offices limited to orthodontics in Athens Greece.

He is also an associate in the Nicosia Orthodontic Center in Cyprus since 2011 and recently he has established a new company in Bulgaria , the OrthoSmile which offers a high quality orthodontic treatment in cooperation with CityDent. All his practices are limited to passive self-ligation technique and recently to the Damon Ultima System.

Dr. Akleh has been using the Damon System since 2010 and has been sharing his experience by lecturing on passive self-ligation and Damon System and he has been training other orthodontists to benefit from such techniques. His recent lecturing in the USA, Europe and the Middle East has been concentrated on the use of the Damon System in combination with TADs 

Dr. Kareem Akleh is a member of the American Association of Orthodontics as well as the World Association of Orthodontics since 1999.In addition, he is a member of both Greek and Cypriote Orthodontic Associations. In 2018,
he was named a fellow of the ICD (International Club of Dentists).

15 Март

15 Март

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